Paveiktie darbi

Ornamental planting

Dekoratīvie stādījumi


We plan and install new ornamental planting and renovate existing planting. We plant conifers, deciduous trees, shrubs, perennials and summer flowers, as well as mixed and meadow-type ornamental planting. We can help you choose the right plants for your garden, taking into account the soil and light conditions, as well as the time you can devote to planting.


When planting, we procure seedlings, prepare the planting areas, adjust the soil, lay agrotextiles and install drip irrigation. We recommend that the reconstruction of existing ornamental planting be carried out gradually, first assessing the planting in different seasons. Replanting is done by carefully assessing the plants to be removed and replenishing the beds with new seedlings.

Apstādījumu ierīkošanas pakalpojumi
Skaists dārzs


Ornamental planting is maintained throughout the season by pruning, fertilising, renewing borders and mulching. We prepare gardens for winter.

How much does it cost to carry out planting?

The cost of ornamental planting depends on the choice of plants and the size of the plants, the preparation of the planting areas (full or partial soil replacement or improvement may be necessary), the location of the site and the amount of work to be carried out. Estimates are prepared individually for each site.

When is the best time to replant?

Early spring is usually the best time to replant, but autumn is better for some plants. Note that many plants cannot be evaluated in early spring because they have not yet sprouted leaves, so replanting must be planned well in advance of the season.

How big trees can be replanted?

When we can no longer replant trees by hand, we work together with Koki staigā colleagues who have special equipment for replanting large trees. Foreign cooperation partners may be invited if necessary.


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SIA "JARDI", Reģ.Nr. 52103105721, ir noslēgts līgums ar Latvijas Investīciju un attīstības aģentūru (LIAA) Nr. SKV-L-2023/17 par atbalsta saņemšanu komersantiem saskaņā ar Eiropas Reģionālās attīstības fonda projektu „Starptautiskās konkurētspējas veicināšana”
SIA "JARDI", Reg. No. 52103105721, has concluded agreement with the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA) no. SKV-L-2023/17 about receiving support for merchants under the European Regional Development Fund project "Promoting International Competitiveness"