Garden Stoves   Garden Stove HAWANA

Garden Stove HAWANA


This hand-made high-quality Garden Stove HAWANA has been produced in Europe by CookKing. The stove is made of 1.5mm thick natural steel, which makes the product stable and long-lasting. All the elements have been welded to each other; as a result, an incredibly stable product has been created.

Free delivery by courier directly from the manufacturer within 5-10 working days.



SKU: CCKGS111484 Category:


This hand-made high-quality Garden Stove HAWANA has been produced in Europe by CookKing. The stove is made of 1.5mm thick natural steel, which makes the product stable and long-lasting. All the elements have been welded to each other; as a result, an incredibly stable product has been created.

Our garden stove will help you create an incredible atmosphere both in your garden and during weekend excursions away from home. Thanks to its massive structure made of a thick sheet of metal the stove quickly heats up to high temperatures and simultaneously gives away its warmth to the surroundings; as a result, you can comfortably warm yourself by standing close to it. The edge of the garden stove HAWANA has been cut out of a thick sheet of steel by a CNC laser. While making a fire you will see a unique and inimitable glow of fire coming out of the stove and the falling shadow will create a pleasant atmosphere.
The light and the warmth of the stove will determine the central point of your garden and create a unique, cozy atmosphere. A stove corresponding to the decorations of the garden will additionally enrich the area and give it style and elegance.
The whole structure is very stable and firm. All the elements have been welded to each other; as a result, an incredibly stable product has been created. The stove has a broad chimney outlet which evacuates gases while using the stove. It is also possible to use the upper panel of the stove for cooking and frying. For this purpose you can use a pan, a goulash pot or a simple pot.

Size of the product:

  • height: 108cm
  • width: 50cm
  • depth: 33cm
  • weight: 20kg
  • material thickness: 1,5mm

Material: natural steel


SIA "JARDI", Reģ.Nr. 52103105721, ir noslēgts līgums ar Latvijas Investīciju un attīstības aģentūru (LIAA) Nr. SKV-L-2023/17 par atbalsta saņemšanu komersantiem saskaņā ar Eiropas Reģionālās attīstības fonda projektu „Starptautiskās konkurētspējas veicināšana”
SIA "JARDI", Reg. No. 52103105721, has concluded agreement with the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA) no. SKV-L-2023/17 about receiving support for merchants under the European Regional Development Fund project "Promoting International Competitiveness"